Verify Missing Objects - DU 6

Script verifies and displays the missing objects in Dollar Universe 6.


This script verifies and displays the missing objects in Dollar Universe 6. These "missing objects" are objects that are expected by other object but not defined locally.

For example: a session uses an uproc but the uproc is not defined locally.

Target environments: Windows, Unix

Prerequisites: Perl


This is a Perl script. You need then to have perl installed to run it. You can however specify the node name and the area. You then don't need to have Perl everywhere. It can be run remotely.


> perl EXP hklpmsup01
                                                                           Checking Configuration...  Local node  /
                                                                           area: EXP
                                                                           MU missing: DATABASE_PRD
                                                                           MU missing: HKLPM.ORSYP.DEV
                                                                           Resource missing: CHECK_SYSTEM
                                                                           Uproc missing: ALARM_RECONF
                                                                           Uproc missing: U_PRJ005_STARTPURGE
                                                                           Uproc missing: U_PRJ005_Z_OPERATION
                                                                           Objects missing: 6
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Please log in using your Broadcom account to download this plugin.
Products Workload Automation, Dollar Universe Workload Automation
Operating Systems Linux, Windows
Last update 2015-06-07 21:03:09.0
Supported by
Community Source verify-missing-objects-du-6

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