Easily export VARA to CSV & import CSVs to VARA from the context menu

Do you regularily need to change the content of huge VARAs? Then this is possibly something for you. The 2 SCRI objects easily attach to the context-menu of your AE client so you can select any VARA (static, SQL, filelist - doesn't matter at all) to export it's content directly into a CSV file that can be stored on any OS agent.

Importing is possible as well (however only into static VARA).

- Define the delimiter (for export & import)
- No troubles with special characters
- Specify custom header when exporting, skip header when importing
- Different export modes - overwrite, append, cancel on existance
- Put the objects directly in your workflows or start them via the sendto context menu
- A non-interactive mode allows you to export VARAs to your favorite location without any prompt for additional information. Hundreds of entries are easily exported within seconds!

- Multiline-VARAs content is not (yet) supported.

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Please log in using your Broadcom account to download this plugin.
Products Workload Automation, Automic Automation
Operating Systems AIX, HP-UX, Linux, Solaris, Windows
Last update 2016-09-13 13:43:01.0
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Community Source vara2csv-csv2vara

Broadcom does not support, maintain or warrant Solutions, Templates, Actions and any other content published on the Community and is subject to Broadcom Community Terms and Conditions.
Partner: Automic Partner
Contact: Joel Wiesmann

I love automation! ... but automating automation I love even more.