uxsearch - Object search

uxsearch.ksh is a tool designed to search for objects.


uxsearch.ksh is a tool designed to search for objects (such as Applications, Classes, conditions, Resources, Rules, Uproc variables...) used in Dollar Universe Uprocs / Sessions / Tasks.

Target environments: Unix, Linux


  • Dollar Universe 5.x
  • Dollar Universe 6.0.x

Implementation: Copy the file uxsearch on your server.

# uxsearch.ksh [--env_options] Theme=Value [Theme=Value] [...]
# where --env_options are:
# --soc COMPANY. By default: --soc=$S_COMPANY
# --node NODE. By default: --node=$S_NOEUD
# --space [EXP|SIM|INT|APP] or [X|S|I|A]. By default: --space=$S_ESPEXE
# where Theme=Value format is:
# appl=ApplicationName where appl=[a-Z|A-Z|0-9|_|\*]*
# class=ClassName where class=[a-Z|A-Z|0-9|_|\*]*
# clfil=ScriptName where clfil=[a-Z|A-Z|0-9|_|\*]
# definfo=DefaultInformation where definfo=[a-Z|A-Z|0-9|_|\*| ]"
# defsev=DefaultSeverity where defsev=[a-Z|A-Z|0-9|_|\*| ]"
# depcon=UprocName where depcon=[a-Z|A-Z|0-9|_|\*]
# incclass=IncompatibilityClassName where Incclass=[a-Z|A-Z|0-9|_|\*]*
# res=RessourceName where res=[a-Z|A-Z|0-9|_|\*]*
# rul=RuleName where rul=[a-Z|A-Z|0-9|_|\*]*
# upr=UprocName where upr=[a-Z|A-Z|0-9|_|\*|\.]*
# varname=VariableName where var=[a-Z|A-Z|0-9|_|\*]*
# vvalue=VariableValueName where vvalue=[a-Z|A-Z|0-9|_|\*]*
# uxsearch.ksh [help|-h|--help]

You can provide the environment to work upon (Company, Node, Area).

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Please log in using your Broadcom account to download this plugin.
Products Workload Automation, Dollar Universe Workload Automation
Operating Systems Linux
Last update 2015-06-07 20:57:56.0
Supported by
Community Source uxsearch-object-search

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