Trigger - Integration with MS Office using VBA

We have created some VBA libraries (.bas and .cls) in order to ease the use of DUAS triggers for any external system development using VBA.

We have created some VBA libraries (.bas and .cls) in order to ease the use of DUAS triggers for any external system development using VBA.

In Office 2010, you will need to add the "Microsoft Scripting Runtime" and "Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.8 library" as references via Tools > References in the VBA editor.
You will also need to import those 2 external libraries:

  • JSON.bas (from the VBJson library)

  • cStringBuilder.cls (from the VBJson library)

Quick Start
Use the full example file to try this example with Excel.
If you need to include the code in your existing VBA project you can import these modules:

  • DUASApi.bas

  • DUASApiParam.cls

  • DUASApiRespObj.cls

  • DUASApiRespObjElmt.cls

Here is a sample of code showing how to use the libraries.
In the example below :

  • We first login to the Dollar Universe API and retrieve the token

  • We send an event

  • We log out

Sub Button1_Click()
' Login to the DUAS API
Set resp = DUASApi.loginDUASApi(host, port, login, pwd)
DUASApi.displayResponseInMsgBox resp
If resp.status = "success" Then

token = resp.token

Triggers an event to DUAS
Set resp = DUASApi.triggerEventDUASApi(host, port, token, eventType, params)
DUASApi.displayResponseInMsgBox resp

' Logout from DUAS API
Set resp = DUASApi.logoutDUASApi(host, port, token)
DUASApi.displayResponseInMsgBox resp

End If
End Sub

List of functions

Here's a list of all the functions from DUASApi.bas that you can use:

' Logins to the Dollar Universe API with a HTTP

' Parameters
host The hostname of your DUAS server
' port The port number of your DUAS server
login login to connect to the Dollar Universe API
' pwd password to connect to the Dollar Universe API

' Returns: a structure containing all the information of the Dollar Universe API response

Public Function loginDUASApi(ByVal host As String, ByVal port As String, _
ByVal login As String, ByVal pwd As String) As DUASApiRespObj

Logs you in to the Dollar Universe API and returns a DUASApiRespObj which contains the return status and the authentication token if status is successfull

' Triggers an event on DUAS via the Dollar Universe
                                                                           API with an HTTP request

' Parameters
host The hostname of your DUAS server
' port The port number of your DUAS server
token The authentication token of your Dollar Universe API session
' eventType The event type defined in your trigger object in DUAS
params The list of parameters defined in your trigger object in DUAS
Returns: a structure containing all the information of the Dollar Universe API response
Public Function triggerEventDUASApi(ByVal host As String, ByVal port As String, _
ByVal token As String, ByVal eventType As String, ByVal params As Collection) As DUASApiRespObj

Sends an event to the Dollar Universe API: you need to provide the authentication token, the event type, and a list of optional parameters defined in your trigger.

Logout from the Dollar Universe API with an HTTP request
' host The hostname of your DUAS server
port The port number of your DUAS server
' token The authentication token of your Dollar Universe API session

' Returns: a structure containing all the information of the Dollar Universe API response

Public Function logoutDUASApi(ByVal host As String, ByVal port As String, ByVal token As String) As DUASApiRespObj

Logs you out of the Dollar Unvierse API; it basically revokes the authentication token that you give as parameter

Displays in a MsgBox the structure containing all the information of an HTTP response from the Dollar Unvierse API
' resp structure containing all the information of the Dollar Universe API response

Public Sub displayResponseInMsgBox(ByVal resp As DUASApiRespObj)

Displays as a MsgBox a response object from the Dollar Universe API

Displays and appends in an Excel Cell the structure containing all the information of an HTTP response from the Dollar Unvierse API
' resp structure containing all the information of the Dollar Universe API response
WorksheetName The WorkSheet name of your Excel file
' row The row number of the Excel Cell in which you want to display the information
col The column number of the Excel Cell in which you want to display the information
Public Sub displayResponseAppendInCell(ByVal resp As DUASApiRespObj, _
ByVal WorksheetName As String, ByVal row As Integer, ByVal col As Integer)

Displays and appends in an Excel Cell a response object from the Dollar Universe API

We rely on an open library under BSD license called VBJson used to parse the JSON responses from DUAS.
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Please log in using your Broadcom account to download this plugin.
Please log in using your Broadcom account to download this plugin.
Products Workload Automation, Dollar Universe Workload Automation
Versions 6.x
Operating Systems Windows
Last update 2015-05-12 01:49:40.0
Supported by
Community Source trigger-integration-with-ms-office-using-vba

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