Tool for troubleshooting UVMS LDAP connection

Command line that behave as UVMS would during a connection to a LDAP server


Basically a command line that behave as UVMS would during a connection to a LDAP server.

The main advantages this tool have are:

  • This doesn't need to be installed on a server, all you need to do is run it on a laptop that has the ability to reach the LDAP server.
  • This not a server so you don't need to restart it after changing the configuration
  • The logs were strongly enhanced

All the enhancement offered by this tools will be available on a future version of UVMS.

Installation procedure

  • Unzip the file into a folder of your choosing
  • Replace the file ldap.xml by the real ldap.xml of your UVMS


  • You need Java installed
  • Run a cmd inside the root directory
  • Run unicheckldap with the desired options among:
                                                                           show help
                                                                           -listgroups		 List first
                                                                           level groups matching the filter (Only in LDAP Group Synchronization mode)
                                                                           -listnestedgroups List
                                                                           nested groups matching the filter (Only in LDAP Group Synchronization mode)
                                                                           -listusers		 List users
                                                                           matching the filter
                                                                           -login 		login to
                                                                           -password 	 password
                                                                           for authentication
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Please log in using your Broadcom account to download this plugin.
Products Workload Automation, Dollar Universe Workload Automation
Operating Systems Linux, Windows
Last update 2015-06-16 21:32:10.0
Supported by
Community Source tool-for-troubleshooting-uvms-ldap-connection

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