Sysload MO Status Agent
The Agent helps verifying target Sysload Agents are functional.
The Agent helps verifying target Sysload Agents are functional.
The Agent verifies target Sysload Agents are up and that the history of data is available.
Description of the Agent
The Agent checks the status of Sysload Management Servers and their Monitored
The base for checking the target Monitored Objects is a MO Group in the Management Server where the target MOs
are registered.
The target MO Group is a Monitored Object of the status Agent (Token consumption is hence one Token
per MO Group).
It displays some metrics concerning the target MO Group and Monitored Objects.
It can trigger
- One Alert per target MO that could not be joined (i.e. the target Agent could not be joined)
- One Alert per target MO for which the history file check failed
- For the check on the history, a single metric can be used for the whole target MO Group
- Workaround for working with different target Agent types: Define different target MO Groups in Management Servers, one per target Agent/MO type, and monitor the Management Server with this status Agent via different MOs i (e.g. "prod01_os, prod01_sql) (i.e. one Monitored Object of the status Agent per target MO Group)
The status Agent presents the target MO Groups as Monitored Objects.
The status Agent can monitor
several Management Servers, by defining several Monitored Objects.
Using a Monitored Object Group as a base of
Monitoring target Monitored Objects allow you to use different settings and Monitoring options for the target Monitored Objects
according to the business priority of the target MO Group they are a member of.
- The Agent sources have been generated with a Sysload Studio version 5.80. It has not been tested to import it in a previous version but it should be compatible
- The Agent Sources are provided in version labeled "5.80"
- Sysload Studio server
- A Windows server for installing the Agent
- Powershell v3.0 installed on the Agent machine
- To check the Powershell version running on a machine, you may run the following command from a Powershell prompt
PS C:\> $PSVersionTable.PSVersion
It should
return something like the following and "Major" shall indicate at least "3":
Major Minor Build
----- ----- ----- --------
3 0 -1 -1
- A network access from the Agent machine to the target Sysload Management Server machine
- On the target Sysload Management Server: a MO Group (in any Class) containing the target MOs for the check
Implementation Procedure
- From Token Server web interface
- Verify you have a license file valid for the version in which you generate the Agent setup, and that you have Tokens available - One Token "SA OPENAGENT" will be consumed per Monitored Object you configure in the status Agent
- From web interface of your Sysload Studio:
- Import the Agent source files
- Generate the Agent setup
- Download the Agent Resources for Management Server and install them:
- On Management Server where the Monitored Objects of the status Agents will be registered
- Required since version 5.80 for Agent configuration automation
- On the Analyst GUI:
- Import Agent Resources for the Analyst GUI
- On Management Server where the Monitored Objects of the status Agents will be registered
- Download the Agent setup and copy it to the target machine for the status Agent
- On the target machine for the status Agent
- Install and start the Agent
- In the Analyst GUI
- If you enabled automation during the Agent setup, verify the Monitored Objects you configured during the Agent setup are registered in the Management Server you selected for this
- Some variables must be set:
- In the script file *.ps1
- During the Agent Setup
- The Agent is compatible only with target Windows Agents and Unix (and OS/400, but not tested)
- Name the Monitored Objects of the status Agent with the name of the Management Servers that are monitored
(Management Server logical name as defined by the parameter "name"), followed by the name of the MO Group
- Example: If you monitor Monitored Objects via a Monitored Object Group "SAP Servers" in a Management Server "sldprod01", name the Monitored Object of the status Agent "SAP_Servers_sldprod01"
- Depending on the number of Monitored Objects in the target MO Group, the job may take time. Check that time and define the Agent iteration period accordingly
- The script does not run, you get a message saying "is not digitally signed".
- Correction:
- Right-click the script file, and then click "Properties"
- Click" Unblock"
Details on the Script Embedded in the Agent
- The script embedded in this Agent is a fork of the script "Agent Status Check" available on MarketPlace
- The functional test for history is done by querying a metric in the past
- Timeouts and number of MOs in batches of checks are defined in the Monitoring Script
Example of First Installation
C:\Program Files\sysload_setup\spa-ag_oamostatus-v5.80_build_26-win-x64-install_cmd>setup
-task install
SP Analyst Agent oamostatus 5.80 (monitoring core version): Installation (first install) ...
. Checking tmpdir:'C:\Program Files\sysload\tmp'...
. Checking admindir:'C:\Program Files\sysload\admin'...
Sysload home directory? [ C:\Program Files\Sysload ] :
. Checking homedir:'C:\Program Files\Sysload'...
--File: 'C:\Program Files\sysload_setup\spa-ag_oamostatus-v5.80_build_26-win-x64-install_cmd\license-en.txt'
--Enter: '': Display more / 'y': I agree with the License
Agreement / 'n': I do not agree with the License Agreement-- : y
Sysload Token Server name or IP? :
Sysload Token Server port number? [ 9555 ] :
Sysload File Server ini path? [ C:\Program Files\Sysload\sldfsd\sldfsd.ini
] :
Enable Automation (y/n)? [ y ] : y
Sysload Management Server name or IP? :
Sysload Management Server port number for Agents? [ 9901 ] :
Agent Host for Monitored Object registration
{IP Address, FQDN or "-" if empty}? [ - ] :
MO Groups {"class1.name1|class2.name2|..." where class=category, system,
role or zone}? [ - ] :
List of Monitored Objects to monitor {moname1,moname2...}? : all_servers_sldmgts03
Sysload File Server port number? [ 9502 ] :
Do you want to configure Sysload services to automatic start mode
(y/n) [ y ] : y
Do you want to configure Sysload services to start at the end of the setup (y/n) [ y ] :
. Work in progress...
. Installing/Updating Sysload files...
[Monitored object 'all_servers_sldmgts03']
Class of the MO Group to check? [ system ] :
[Monitored object 'all_servers_sldmgts03'] Name of the MO Group to
check? : _all_servers
[Monitored object 'all_servers_sldmgts03'] Metric code used for checking history? [ UsageDiagnostic-Processor-usageratio
] :
[Monitored object 'all_servers_sldmgts03'] Enable email report for unavailable MOs? [ 0 ] :
object 'all_servers_sldmgts03'] Enable Custom Agent script integration ("1" mandatory)? [ 1 ] :
[Monitored object
'all_servers_sldmgts03'] Host ID of the Management Server containing the Monitored Object Group ? :
[Monitored object 'all_servers_sldmgts03'] Name of the Management Server containing the target Monitored Object Group?
: sldmgtspm03
[Monitored object 'all_servers_sldmgts03'] User for connecting to Management Server of the target
Monitored Object Group? [ admin ] :
[Monitored object 'all_servers_sldmgts03'] Password for connecting to the Management
Server of the target Monitored Object Group? [ sysload ] :
. Starting Sysload services...
SP Analyst
Agent oamostatus 5.80 (monitoring core version): Installation (first install) done
Changes done in version 5.80 b28
- Support for HTTPS for querying Management Server (this allows to let HTTP disabled on Management Server whilst having HTTPS enabled)
- New metric labels
- New metric "MS availability"
- Timeouts for communicating with Management Server are now managed via user variables ("timout_ms" and "timeout_mo" (allows to tune them per target MO Group)
- Deletion of the user variable "Mail enabled" - Still set to "0" when calling the script
- Deletion of the user variable "Custom Agent integration enabled" - Still set to "1" when calling the script
- Improved script log details
- In the script log, passwords are hidden in URLs when querying Management Server
- Some functions isolated in scripts that are used as libraries (to facilitate reusability)
Known issue in version 5.80 b28:
- The deletion of the "tmp" directory does not seem to work
Third-party licences:
- The function "Ignore_SLL" in the script "common.ps1" is from John Bailey,
Products | Workload Automation, Automic Automation |
Operating Systems | Windows |
Last update | 2017-05-22 09:03:42.0 |
Supported by | |
Community Source | sysload-mo-status-agent |
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