Shell script to show uproc dependencies

Script that uses uxshw UPR to get a simple view of the dependencies for each uproc.

Little script that uses uxshw UPR to get a simple view of the dependencies for each uproc. Tested with $Universe version 5.3

- Copy to exec-folder of $Universe, make executable
- You might want to put the input into a file for easier access: ./ > dependencies_uproc.txt
- Using grep, you can now very easily find the dependencies for all uprocs

Target environments: Linux

Prerequisites: Linux with shell (sh), might need a new version for the associative array feature

Implementation: takes no parameters. implemented in lunix shell

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Products Workload Automation, Dollar Universe Workload Automation
Operating Systems Linux
Last update 2015-06-11 23:00:47.0
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Community Source shell-script-to-show-uproc-dependencies

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