Shell script to create a group from a pattern

Use Sysload Web Services API to define Monitored Objects with a regular expression and add them in a group

Script 'sld-add-group-from-pattern.ps1', version '1.0', date '30/10/2015'
MS host : localhost
MS name is 'sldmgts'
MS TCP port is '9900'
MS user: admin
MS password: xxx
MO Group Class is empty
sld-add-group-from-pattern.ps1 [-ms_host (default:localhost])
[-service name_of_MS_service (default:sldmgts)]
[-port (default:9900)]
[-user (default:admin)] [-password (default:sysload)]
-class class_name -group group_name
[-pattern_type (*|regular expression)]
[-pattern_mo (*|regular expression)]
[-pattern_instance (*|regular expression)]
[-update yes|no (default:no)
[-show yes|no (default:no)]
[-desc ""]

class : zone|system|role|category
pattern_type : pattern for agent type
Wildcard character (*) and regular expressions (/pattern/) are accepted
Examples: NT OBAS_NT UNIX /^s.+a$/ N*
pattern_mo : pattern for Monitored Object name (same syntax)
pattern_instance : pattern for instance name (same syntax)
update : yes to force update if group already exists
show : yes to list Monitored objects matching pattern in database, and in group if it already exists
desc : description text to add to group definition

Script written in Powershell 3.0
Validated with Sysload 5.80 Web services API

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Products Workload Automation, Automic Automation
Operating Systems Windows
Last update 2016-02-03 12:28:47.0
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Community Source shell-script-to-create-a-group-from-a-pattern

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