Query Tool for Sysload Audit

Audit Monitored Objects referenced in (one or more) Management Server, TokenServer and Portal

Get list of Monitored Objects from one or more Management Server (via REST API)

Get list of distributed tokens on network from TokenServer

Compare both lists and analyze the differences.

Also : Analyse MO collected by Sysload Portal

Generates a consolidated list (in CSV format) telling :

  • Which MO is both active and registered in MS
  • Wich MO is registered in MS but not active (no valid license)
  • Which MO is active but not registered in MS

Prerequisites :

  • Powershell v3.0 or higher (part of Windows Management Framework 3.0)
  • Network access to MS, TokenServer and Portal
  • REST API (validated with API v6.0 - but should work with at least v5.60 and v5.80)

Syntax :

sysload-audit-multi-ms.ps1 [-ms (default:localhost)]
[-service (default:sldmgts)]
[-msport (default:9900)]
[-user (default:current user)]
[-pwd (default:sysload)]
[-tks (default:localhost)]
[-tksport (default:9557)]

[-spp (default:localhost)]
[-sppport (default:80)]
[-fs (default: comma)]
[-DEBUG (ON|OFF) (default:OFF)
[-timeout (default:5 sec)

Define the list of Management Servers to request in a file with following syntax :


example :


you may omit : username and/or password. In that case, arguments passed on command line are applied (-user and -pwd)


  • Powershell v3.0
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Please log in using your Broadcom account to download this plugin.
Products Workload Automation, Automic Automation
Operating Systems Windows
Last update 2016-02-16 15:33:16.0
Supported by
Community Source query-tool-for-sysload-audit

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