Microsoft Azure Resource Manager Action Pack

Automate and orchestrate ARM using REST API

The actions use the ARM REST API to execute task on Microsoft Azure. First, the "Get Access Token" Action has to be executed, to get an access token from Azure. The retrieved access token has to be passed to all other actions, as input parameter

  • Get Access Token
  • Create Resource Group
  • Deploy to Resource Group
  • Get Deployment Status
  • List Resource Groups
  • List Locations

The JSON syntax for "Deploy to Resource Group" action has to be as follows:

                                                                           "properties": {
                                                                           "template": {
                                                                           (template definition - $schema, contentVersion, parameters, variables, resources)
                                                                           "parameters": {
                                                                           "mode": "Incremental"

*Since 17 Jan 2018, this community supported Action Pack may be replaced by this one when used with CA Automic Release Automation or CA Automic Service Orchestration: microsoft-azure-action-pack

Available Actions:

  • Get Access Token
  • Create Resource Group
  • Deploy to Resource Group
  • Get Deployment Status
  • List Resource Groups
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Please log in using your Broadcom account to download this plugin.
Products Continuous Delivery Automation, Continuous Delivery Automation, Workload Automation, Automic Automation
Versions 12.x
Solution Area Containerization
Operating Systems Windows
Last update 2018-01-17 17:00:58.0
Supported by
Community Source microsoft-azure-resource-manager-action-pack-community

Broadcom does not support, maintain or warrant Solutions, Templates, Actions and any other content published on the Community and is subject to Broadcom Community Terms and Conditions.