Jenkins Plugin
Automatically deploy your applications, immediately after code build via Jenkins
Jenkins is an award-winning, cross-platform, continuous integration and continuous delivery application that increases your productivity. Use Jenkins to build and test your software projects continuously making it easier for developers to integrate changes to the project, and making it easier for users to obtain a fresh build.
The Jenkins Plugin connects Jenkins to CA Continuous Delivery Automation (formerly known as CA Automic Release Automation), enabling you to build an end-to-end continuous delivery pipeline.
Starting with the Plugin version 2.1.0, you can use the Jenkins Pipeline feature to trigger the automation of your deployments done by CA Continuous Delivery Automation, meaning you can better industrialize your pipelines using "as code".
Using Jenkins Freestyle project, the following post-build actions are provided:
- Add Artifact in Continuous Delivery Automation (build artifact reference)
- Create Continuous Delivery Automation Package
- Execute Application Workflow in Continuous Delivery Automation
- Execute General Workflow in Continuous Delivery Automation
Using Jenkins Pipeline, the following steps are provided:
- addArtifact: CDA Add Artifact (build artifact reference)
- createDepPckg: CDA Create Package
- execApplWflw: CDA Execute Application Workflow
- execGenWflw: CDA Execute General Workflow
- Supports Jenkins 1.484 or later
- Supports CA Continuous Delivery Automation v11.x and v12.x
- CA Continuous Delivery Automation V12.2 is required for using the Add Artifact post-build action and step
- Jenkins Pipeline 2.0 and higher is required for the Pipeline feature
The Plugin documentation is included in the CA Continuous
Delivery Automation manual > Integrating > CA CDA Plugins for Third-Party Products > Plugin for Jenkins