IIS Advanced setting

IIS applications and Pool configuration settings

This Action Pack extends the Actions of the official Automic IIS Action Pack to common applications and Pool configuration settings.

  • You can manage application connection string, impersonation and filters restriction (ISAPI/CGI).
  • You can set Application folder rights, Authentication providers and IIS Authentication mode
  • You can tune the application Pools.
  • Eventually, 2 generic actions allows you to apply any other configuration settings.

Application configuration is often done manually in the IIS Administration Interface UI. The IIS UI sometimes performs complex actions behind the scene, hiding the structure underneath, like the configurations files impacted or the register keys. In order to automate this action, Microsoft offer 2 different interfaces : appcmd and Cmdlet.

Most of the actions of this Action Pack rely on appcmd client while some of them make use of powershell and the Webadministration module cmdlet. More information here :


Keep in mind that the IIS Administration UI grant you the right privileges dynamically when necessary, while you need to get them explicitly before using these actions. For example, don't forget to unlock the configuration section when needed with the official "IIS Unlock Configuration Section".

A generic action "Set Website Settings using cmdlet" helps you to manage any other configuration parameter not in the list. Take a look at the Microsoft documentation to get the correct syntax and options.


If you do not wish to use Powershell, you can use the other generic action "Set Website Settings using appcmd". Check the documentation to get the rights options.


Tested on IIS 7.5 on Windows 2012 R2.

Warning : This action pack has not been actively tested and is not designed to be largely distributed. However, if you are not an IIS expert, you can find some basic commands here to quickly build a prototype or a custom demo.

  • IIS Reorder Authentication Providers : change the Authentication Provider precedence. Alternatively you can add or delete Authentication Providers.
  • IIS Set Application Folder Rights : Assign Application folder right, typically to a Service or Application Account shared between distributed components.
  • IIS Set Application Pool Advanced Setting : update a property in the ApplicationPools section like idleTimeout or recycling Etc…
  • IIS Set Application Pool Identity : Assign a user / password to the Application Pool
  • IIS Set Application Settings using cmdlet : update any Application property using a key-value pair
  • IIS Set Authentication : enable or disable IIS Authentication mode (windows, anonymous or user impersonate)
  • IIS Set Connection String : create and assign a database connection Strings to a website
  • IIS Set Impersonation using cmdlet : Originally designed to update the "impersonate" property, but can be used to update any other property as the property itself is a parameter.
  • IIS Set Server ISAPI and CGI restriction : Enable or disable ISAPI and CGI filters (like ASP.NET)
  • IIS Set Website Settings using appcmd : Update any website parameter using the section name and his value
  • IIS Set Website Settings using cmdlet : Update any website parameter using a key-value pair
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Please log in using your Broadcom account to download this plugin.
Products Continuous Delivery Automation, Continuous Delivery Automation, Automic Automation
Versions 12.x
Solution Area Middleware
Operating Systems Windows
Last update 2017-08-22 08:53:53.0
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Community Source iis-advanced-setting

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