Get Parent and List of Sons from Uproc Name

Return the list of Children and the Name of the Father (if any) in a simple format.


Given the name of an existing Session as the first Parameter, and the name of a Uproc within the Session as a second parameter, this tool will return the list of Children and the Name of the Father (if any) in a simple format.

How to use it:

Two Parameters need to be passed to the script:

1- Session Name (Must Exist)
2- Uproc Name (Must Exist and belong to Session)


Meaning of Output:

A --> B: A is father of B
B <-- C: B is son of C
D <-- : D has no father (and therefore is the Header)
E --> : E has no son

Target environments: Linux, Unix

Prerequisites: DU6 (could be adapted to DU5), local machine (could be adapted to work on remote machines as well)


  • Load the environment variables
  • Run the script
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Products Workload Automation, Dollar Universe Workload Automation
Operating Systems Linux
Last update 2015-06-08 05:34:33.0
Supported by
Community Source get-parent-and-list-of-sons-from-uproc-name

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