Dollar Universe Trigger - Web

Web application that let users trigger jobs in $Universe from an HTML page.

DU_Trigger_Web is a Web application that let users trigger jobs in $Universe from an HTML page.
The page contains a list with all the available trigger events, and a "Trigger" button to send the trigger event to $Universe.
For further customizations, the full project developed in 'Eclipse' is available for download.

Prerequisites: The Web application requires the Apache HTTP Components version 4.3.3 -->

Implementation: The application needs a servlet container. It has been tested on Tomcat7. The Apache HTTP Components libraries has to be accessible to Tomcat. The easiest way to do it is to copy all Apache .jar files in the Tomcat/lib directory. The configuration options are set in the WEB-INF/web.xml>file.

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Products Workload Automation, Dollar Universe Workload Automation
Last update 2015-06-07 20:38:02.0
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Community Source dollar-universe-trigger-web

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