Dollar Universe Check Exchanger Files

This script is to detect old objects in the queue.


In Dollar Universe, the Exchanger is is charge of:

  • For Dollar Universe 5 and 6: send job of cross-node sessions from 1 node to another

  • For Dollar Universe 5: distribute objects from 1 node to another

Problem: if there is a communication issue, the objects to send are stored in a queue and this queue can fill up and make Dollar Universe fail when there are too many objects. Any object should not stay more than 1 day in the queue.

Solution: the goal of this script is to detect old objects in the queue.


This script should be:

  • Included in a CL_INT script

  • Executed regularly on all Dollar Universe (at least once per week)

Result: this script will not fix the issue, it will only abort if there are old records detected.


Run with no error found:

Dollar Universe 5
                                                                           environment loadedChecking old entries in the echanger files...  Success: No old entry found

Run with error found:

Dollar Universe 5
                                                                           environment loadedChecking old entries in the echanger files...  ERROR: 133 old lines found in u_fecd file  ERROR: 132 old lines found in u_fecl file  Advice: Check the Distribution Exchange and
                                                                           Job Exchange

Note / Actions

Once if the script detects an old record you have to:

  • (DU 5 & 6) Node log: check the node lod and check if there are communication issues with other nodes

  • (DU 5) Distribution Exchange/Job Exchange: check the record in distribution exchange and clean the old records from there.

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Products Workload Automation, Dollar Universe Workload Automation
Operating Systems Linux, Windows
Last update 2015-05-11 21:54:09.0
Supported by
Community Source dollar-universe-check-exchanger-files

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