Display DU tasks with dependencies

This script output list of task and the dependant objects.


This script output list of task and the dependant objects

Argument list
  • Area: APP, SIM, INT, EXP
  • Nodes (optional, can contain wildcards *)

C:\Users\Administrator\Documents>perl du_task_dependencies.pl EXP hklpmsup01
                                                                           HKLPMSUP01 | ((ENDMONTH,09/16/2013)) | 
                                                                           | RESTARTWEB | (type: CMD) servicetomcat5restart
                                                                           HKLPMSUP01 | ((SUNDAY,09/16/2013)) | DB_BACKUP
                                                                           | BCK_HEADER | (type: CL_INT)
                                                                           BCK_STOPDB | (type: CL_EXT) /opt/tools/DB/stop.ksh
                                                                           BCK_SQLEXP | (type: CL_EXT) /opt/tools/DB/backupsql.ksh
                                                                           BCK_STRTDB | (type: CL_EXT) /opt/tools/DB/start.ksh
                                                                           BCK_UPLOAD | (type: CL_EXT) /opt/tools/DB/server_publish.ksh
                                                                           BCK_NOTIFY | (type: CL_INT)

Target environments: Unix

Prerequisites: Perl, $U

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Products Workload Automation, Dollar Universe Workload Automation
Operating Systems Linux
Last update 2015-06-08 05:00:13.0
Supported by
Community Source display-du-tasks-with-dependencies

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