Deployment Pipeline Visualization

Plugin that provides insight into all deployments across your application portfolio

The Deployment Pipe Visualization plugin is an extension to the Automic Web Interface.

With our Deployment Pipeline Visualization plugin, you get a graphical overview on 'what do I have deployed where'.

This plugin provides you with detailed information on application deployments, with drill-down capabilities all the way to the actual deployment workflows and associated logs.
After installing the plugin, users can add the Deployment Pipeline as a widget to their Automic Web Interface dashboards.

  • Multi-application pipeline vizualization
  • Maps environment to deployment stages
  • Customizable deployment stages
  • Drilldown capabilities

This plugin now ships as standard with Automic Release Automation version 12

For Automic Release Automation 11.2.2 users:

User Guide

Please log in using your Broadcom account to download this plugin.
Find platform support and compatibility information for Deployment.Pipeline.Widget in our compatibility matrix.
Please log in using your Broadcom account to download this plugin.
Products Continuous Delivery Automation
Operating Systems Windows
Last update 2017-02-09 08:21:17.0
Supported by