Command Line Interface for the Automation Engine

Powerful CLI Tool for CRUD operations on AE Objects

The latest version of the Command Line Binaries is always available at the following link:

The documentation can be found on the same page.

Any request for additional features is welcome! Feel free to make suggestions on the github page directly.

Features currently available:

**## OBJECT Specific CLI Binaries:**
                                                                           * CALE_Update.jar: Update / import CALE Objects from JSON files. 
                                                                           * AGENTS_Management.jar: Manage Agents from Client 0 (assign to other clients, delete, etc.) (ex: allow all clients to use
                                                                           Agent WIN01 for Execution)
                                                                           * HOSTGROUPS_Management.jar: Manage Hostgroups (add agents, run simulations, remove agents, etc.)
                                                                           * CHANGES_Show.jar:     Display content of Audit Trail with filters (needs to be activated in Client 0 first)   
                                                                           * CONN_Update.jar:  Update CONN Objects (including RA CONN such as SOAP or REST CONNs)
                                                                           * JOBS_RA_Update.jar:   Update RA Jobs (SOAP, REST, FTP, etc.)
                                                                           * JSCH_Update.jar:  Update SCHED Objects
                                                                           * LOGIN_Update.jar: Update LOGIN Objects
                                                                           * STORAGE_Update.jar:   Update STORAGE Objects (only v11.2 and up)
                                                                           * TASKS_Operations.jar: Handle Operations on Activities Window (Deactivate all "Completed" tasks, restart aborted JOBS tasks
                                                                           with title matching ".*DEV.*")
                                                                           * USER_Update.jar:  Update USER Objects
                                                                           * VARA_SQL_Update.jar:  Update SQL VARA Objects
                                                                           * VARA_SQLI_Update.jar: Update SQLI VARA Objects
                                                                           * VARA_STATIC_Update.jar: Update STATIC & XML VARA Objects (XML VARA is a subtype of STATIC)
                                                                           * VARA_Update.jar:  Update General Properties of VARA Objects
                                                                           * JOBF_Update.jar:      Update JOBF Objects. (ex: change the pattern for Destination File in all JOBF objects at once)
                                                                           * JOBP_Update.jar:      Update JOBP Objects. (ex: update all task names for all Workflows at once)
                                                                           * JOBS_SQL_Update.jar:  Update JOBS_SQL Objects (ex: modify the Database Connection name in all JOBS_SQL containing "*SQL1*"
                                                                           in their name)
                                                                           * JOBS_Update.jar:      Update JOBS Objects (ex: modify the name of a variable in all JOBS containing "*ABC*" in their title)
                                                                           **## GENERAL CLI Binaries:**
                                                                           * OBJECTS_Delete.jar: Delete Objects of any type. (with regular expressions...)
                                                                           * OBJECTS_Create.jar: Create Objects of any type. (ex: create 200 JOBS Objects)
                                                                           * OBJECTS_Duplicate.jar: Duplicate Objects of any type. (ex: duplicate all objects matching name "*AB*PROD*" to "*AB*DEV*"
                                                                           at once)
                                                                           * OBJECTS_Export_Import.jar: Import & Export Objects and dependencies (v11.2 and up)
                                                                           * OBJECTS_Execute.jar: Execute now or schedule later (executable) Objects. (ex: run now all JOBP matching name "*DEV*JOBP*")
                                                                           * OBJECTS_Move.jar: Move Objects of any type anywhere (within the same client) (ex: move all objects matching "*PROD*ABC*"
                                                                           to Folder "SANDBOX")
                                                                           * OBJECTS_Rename.jar: Rename Objects of any type (ex: rename objects with title matching ".*Legacy.*" from "*ALPHA*" to "*BETA*")
                                                                           * UTIL_ClientAudit.jar: Extract an Audit Report on Specific Client Usage (ex: number of active objects defined, etc.) 
                                                                           * UTIL_EnvironmentAudit.jar: Extract Environment Wide Usage Report (ex: number of clients defined, etc.)
                                                                           * UTIL_SystemOverview_Show.jar: Extract Content of the System Overview into a parsable format (JSON)

Features currently available:

**## OBJECT Specific CLI Binaries:**
                                                                           * CALE_Update.jar: Update / import CALE Objects from JSON files. 
                                                                           * AGENTS_Management.jar: Manage Agents from Client 0 (assign to other clients, delete, etc.) (ex: allow all clients to use
                                                                           Agent WIN01 for Execution)
                                                                           * HOSTGROUPS_Management.jar: Manage Hostgroups (add agents, run simulations, remove agents, etc.)
                                                                           * CHANGES_Show.jar:     Display content of Audit Trail with filters (needs to be activated in Client 0 first)   
                                                                           * CONN_Update.jar:  Update CONN Objects (including RA CONN such as SOAP or REST CONNs)
                                                                           * JOBS_RA_Update.jar:   Update RA Jobs (SOAP, REST, FTP, etc.)
                                                                           * JSCH_Update.jar:  Update SCHED Objects
                                                                           * LOGIN_Update.jar: Update LOGIN Objects
                                                                           * STORAGE_Update.jar:   Update STORAGE Objects (only v11.2 and up)
                                                                           * TASKS_Operations.jar: Handle Operations on Activities Window (Deactivate all "Completed" tasks, restart aborted JOBS tasks
                                                                           with title matching ".*DEV.*")
                                                                           * USER_Update.jar:  Update USER Objects
                                                                           * VARA_SQL_Update.jar:  Update SQL VARA Objects
                                                                           * VARA_SQLI_Update.jar: Update SQLI VARA Objects
                                                                           * VARA_STATIC_Update.jar: Update STATIC & XML VARA Objects (XML VARA is a subtype of STATIC)
                                                                           * VARA_Update.jar:  Update General Properties of VARA Objects
                                                                           * JOBF_Update.jar:      Update JOBF Objects. (ex: change the pattern for Destination File in all JOBF objects at once)
                                                                           * JOBP_Update.jar:      Update JOBP Objects. (ex: update all task names for all Workflows at once)
                                                                           * JOBS_SQL_Update.jar:  Update JOBS_SQL Objects (ex: modify the Database Connection name in all JOBS_SQL containing "*SQL1*"
                                                                           in their name)
                                                                           * JOBS_Update.jar:      Update JOBS Objects (ex: modify the name of a variable in all JOBS containing "*ABC*" in their title)
                                                                           **## GENERAL CLI Binaries:**
                                                                           * OBJECTS_Delete.jar: Delete Objects of any type. (with regular expressions...)
                                                                           * OBJECTS_Create.jar: Create Objects of any type. (ex: create 200 JOBS Objects)
                                                                           * OBJECTS_Duplicate.jar: Duplicate Objects of any type. (ex: duplicate all objects matching name "*AB*PROD*" to "*AB*DEV*"
                                                                           at once)
                                                                           * OBJECTS_Export_Import.jar: Import & Export Objects and dependencies (v11.2 and up)
                                                                           * OBJECTS_Execute.jar: Execute now or schedule later (executable) Objects. (ex: run now all JOBP matching name "*DEV*JOBP*")
                                                                           * OBJECTS_Move.jar: Move Objects of any type anywhere (within the same client) (ex: move all objects matching "*PROD*ABC*"
                                                                           to Folder "SANDBOX")
                                                                           * OBJECTS_Rename.jar: Rename Objects of any type (ex: rename objects with title matching ".*Legacy.*" from "*ALPHA*" to "*BETA*")
                                                                           * UTIL_ClientAudit.jar: Extract an Audit Report on Specific Client Usage (ex: number of active objects defined, etc.) 
                                                                           * UTIL_EnvironmentAudit.jar: Extract Environment Wide Usage Report (ex: number of clients defined, etc.)
                                                                           * UTIL_SystemOverview_Show.jar: Extract Content of the System Overview into a parsable format (JSON)
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Please log in using your Broadcom account to download this plugin.
Products Continuous Delivery Automation, Continuous Delivery Automation, Workload Automation, Automic Automation
Operating Systems AIX, HP-UX, Linux, Solaris, Windows
Last update 2016-10-27 20:33:51.0
Supported by
Community Source command-line-interface-for-the-automation-engine

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