Blockchain Automation

The Middle-Earth Hyperledger

To demonstrate the integration with the CA Automic One Automation Platform, we built a blockchain sample application using the Hyperledger Composer that gets executed on the Hyperledger Fabric platform.

The application introduces blockchain technology to the (fictional) Middle-Earth Real Estate Properties Market.

The example demonstrates:

  • How the blockchain application is modeled and how it processes transactions.
  • How we use the CA Automic One Automation Platform to listen for important transactions and trigger automation workflows.
  • How we use the CA Automic One Automation Platform to place transactions on the blockchain from within an automation workflow
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Products Continuous Delivery Automation, Continuous Delivery Automation, Workload Automation, Automic Automation
Versions 12.1
Solution Area Data, Middleware, Enterprise Apps
Operating Systems Linux
Last update 2018-01-24 13:09:38.0
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Community Source blockchain-automation

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