Auto Restart - Reset Session

Recovery instruction in case a specific Uproc fails and requires a full resubmission of the entire session it is part of.


This Uproc, when it runs, based on environment variables, will re-submit the same session it is part of.

This Uproc is designed to be used as part of the session and placed on the NON OK path of another Uproc.

It is essentially a recovery instruction in case a specific Uproc fails and requires a full resubmission of the entire session it is part of.

Target environments: Linux, Unix

Prerequisites: DU6

Implementation: Import Package via UVC, send Uproc to DU6 Node

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Products Workload Automation, Dollar Universe Workload Automation
Operating Systems Linux
Last update 2015-06-08 03:50:37.0
Supported by
Community Source auto-restart-reset-session

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