Alert Rule to Kill Long Running Execution

Describes how to implement an alert rule.

English Description


With Dollar Universe 6 you can define inside the Uproc the duration limit before killing the job. If you need to implement this for a large number of Uproc, you will want to define this in an Alert Rule.
==> This app describes how to implement an alert Rule for this.


1/ Create an alert rule to monitor too long executions

Posted Image

  • The rule have to be called "AlertTooLongExec"

  • In the rule, you have to define the nodes and jobs involved.

  • Check the checkbox "Generic Supervision"

  • For the command line, you have to leave the field empty. If the field is empty, the script "u_spv_com.bat" will be executed

2/ Edit the file %UNI_DIR_NODEFILES%\u_spv_com.bat

  • Replace the file by the content os u_spv_com.txt


Description en français

C'est un exemple de script permettant de killer un traitement sur une règle d'alerte de noeud.

1/ Faire une Regle d'Alerte pour monitorer les exécutions trop longues

  • Appelez la règle "AlertTooLongExec"

  • Dans la règle vous devez mettre les jobs/noeuds concernés

  • Cocher "Supervision générique"

  • Pour la commande exécutée, vous devez laisser le champ vide. Si le champ est vide, le fichier "u_spv_com.bat" sera exécuté

2/ Editer votre fichier %UNI_DIR_NODEFILES%\u_spv_com.bat

  • Remplacer le contenu par le fichier u_spv_com.txt

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Products Dollar Universe Workload Automation
Operating Systems Windows
Last update 2015-06-16 01:20:36.0
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Community Source alert-rule-to-kill-long-running-execution

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